Goals and Motivations in Deciding to Do This:
We chose to develop Emoji Pets to learn as much android development we could in a short
amount of time. We felt the best way to do that would be through developing an Android game.
We chose Emoji Pets so we could develop something that could go in any directions as our skills
allowed us to. This way would could work on basic implementations and then build out more features.
In summary:
- have fun making something cool
- have a project that could go in any direction, allowing us full creativity in applying what we are learning
- explore the “emoji problem” as a construct in society, breaking ground and treading upon new cultural insights into its meaning as we construct an app for it
- I through it out there as a last minute thought (Nick typing) and people voted on it, so we did it
Why is Emoji Pets an Interesting Project?
There are a number of reasons that Emoji Pets is interesting:
* Emoji Pets has two functional Backend Databases, Salesforce and AWS.
* Emoji Pets implements a basic social network
* Emoji Pets has support for multiple languages
Functional inventory of this repo:
- full code for the front-end client of EmojiPetz, including:
- 4 Activities
- Sign in, Create Account, NavDrawer for User Stuff, Friend Activity for viewing a friend
- Several fragments for those activities
- Layout files and resources files
- including a translation of the full string resources into Tagalog for use in the Philippines
- 4 Activities
- Javadocs
- Development documents, including ERDs, Wireframes, Etc.
- 3rd party resources including gson, retrofit, lottie, etc.
The team:
From left to right:
- Justin Torrez - Salesforce Backend.
- Lora Racca - Product Design, UI/UX, general coding.
- Nick Locicero - Lead Developer, Idea Maker.
List of Java versions, Android API’s and hardware tested
- Android API 21 platform
- Nexus 5X API 27
- ZTE Zmax v2
Current State:
No known bugs, it just needs to be tested on more phones.
Platforms used:
- Java 7
- Android 27
- github.com/traex (RippleEffect Library)
- Gson
- Retrofit
- Lottie (airbnb.com)
- jUnit 4.12
- github.com/varunest(SparkButton 1.0.5)
List of the external services consumed by Emoji Pets
- Google Oauth 2.0
Cosmetic improvements
- simplify the UI interface, so things take up less real estate
- make it clean and sleek
- things take up less space
- have a pleasing contrast
- glossy, vector image kind of look and feel
- Animation Transitions between the fragments.
Stretch goals:
- unfollow and block people
- notifications for when people write on wall
- track who writes on wall
- let pets lay eggs and implement some sort of game to find eggs your friends lay (geo location services needed for this)
Emoji Pets Wireframes
Emoji Pets User Stories
ERD and DDL:
- please see EmojiPetz Services
Links to licenses:
- our license (listed in the top level of the repo, too)
- gson
- retrofit
- lottie
- spark button
- ripple effect
Emoji Pets Build Instructions
Emoji Pets Installation Instructions