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front end repository


Goals and Motivations in Deciding to Do This:

 We chose to develop Emoji Pets to learn as much android development we could in a short
 amount of time. We felt the best way to do that would be through developing an Android game.
 We chose Emoji Pets so we could develop something that could go in any directions as our skills
 allowed us to. This way would could work on basic implementations and then build out more features.
In summary:

Why is Emoji Pets an Interesting Project?

There are a number of reasons that Emoji Pets is interesting:
* Emoji Pets has two functional Backend Databases, Salesforce and AWS.
* Emoji Pets implements a basic social network
* Emoji Pets has support for multiple languages

Functional inventory of this repo:

The team:

Justin, Lora, and Nick

From left to right:

List of Java versions, Android API’s and hardware tested

Current State:

No known bugs, it just needs to be tested on more phones.

Platforms used:

List of the external services consumed by Emoji Pets

Cosmetic improvements

Stretch goals:

Emoji Pets Wireframes

Emoji Pets Wireframe 1

Emoji Pets Wireframe 2

Emoji Pets Wireframe 3

Emoji Pets Wireframe 4

Emoji Pets User Stories

Emoji Pets User Story 1

Emoji Pets User Story 2

Emoji Pets User Story 3

ERD and DDL:


Emoji Pets Build Instructions

Emoji Pets Installation Instructions

Emoji Pets User Instructions

Emoji Pets User Instructions