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FastTime Close and Install Instructions

## * DISCLAIMER * These fork and clone instrcutions are not to be considered authority or the exact representation of how to accomplish said tasks. These steps outlined below are merely an ideation of one individuals attempts to explain how to perform actions completed by author only a handful of times. The author did make their best attempt at recreating the actions needed to succesfully fork or clone. If the user has any outside and/or superior knowledge ousite of these directions they should follow those steps before trying to implement application using the below methods.

Cloning FastTime from GitHub

  1. Go to the following lin on GitHub
  2. Clone the repository by pressing the green Clone or Download button in the top right of the table.
  3. Select the Clipboard on the middle right of the popup prompt.
  4. Open IntelliJ, close any projects you may have currently open.
  5. Select the Blue Check out from Version Control dropedown toward the bottom right of the screen and select git.
  6. Paste the url you copied in step 3.) into the URL: field
  7. Ensure you have the correct Directory path selected in which you want to install your project.
  8. Press the clone button.
  9. Select Yes to Would you like to create an IntelliJ IDEA project for the sources you have check out to {file\directory\selected\here}.
  10. Select the Import project from external model and select Gradle.
  11. Select finish.
  12. Select Yes to overwrite file if prompted.
  13. If prompted that Gradle projects need to be imported select Import Changes.
  14. Select Build > Rebuild Project.
  15. Select the green run button on the top right of the screen.

Forking FastTime from GitHub

  1. Go to the following link on Github
  2. Select Fork the repository from the top right of the screen.
  3. Select where to fork the reposity to.
  4. Clone the repository by pressing the green Clone or Download button in the top right of the table.
  5. Select the Clipboard on the middle right of the popup prompt.
  6. Open IntelliJ, close any projects you may have currently open.
  7. Select the Blue Check out from Version Control dropedown toward the bottom right of the screen and select git.
  8. Paste the url you copied in step 3.) into the URL: field
  9. Ensure you have the correct Directory path selected in which you want to install your project.
  10. Press the clone button.
  11. Select Yes to Would you like to create an IntelliJ IDEA project for the sources you have check out to {file\directory\selected\here}.
  12. Select the Import project from external model and select Gradle.
  13. Select finish.
  14. Select Yes to overwrite file if prompted.
  15. If prompted that Gradle projects need to be imported select Import Changes.
  16. Select Build > Rebuild Project.
  17. Select the green run button on the top right of the screen.